Monday 29 June 2015

The Room Of Magic... By Natalia And Jacob!

I hadn't seen the door before; it wasn't there last night? Because the door was not there last night, it slowly opened for Natalia  Jacob. As soon as the door opened, Jacob screamed and ran around Natalia waving his arms about! Then he hid behind a box crying as loud as a baby elephant. " What on earth do you think your doing!" exclaimed Natalia at Jacob. Despite Jacob screaming, they creped  through the door. They found them selves in...        a land of marshmallow trampolines, massive raspberry lollipops , chocolate bunnies that you could ride which is basically candy land!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Good use of speech and conjunctions!
    I wonder what is going to happen next...
    Miss Gardiner

  3. I whant to have some sweets now lol cole
