Thursday 4 June 2015

Floating Objects!!!


                                                    Floating Objects

One fascinating day, a tall man was walking along a path, when everything started to move as if  it was magic. The man`s name was Thomas. At the minute, he was 28 years old, next week, it was going to be his birthday. He was very excited when his mum got birthday things out of the loft. The very next day, things were starting to get odd! Some of the houses were floating up into the sky.

It turns out that everything started to rise up out of earth. Thomas climbed up into a rocket{ The Ultimate 3000. } " What is happening ? asked Thomas through the window, an old lady squeaked, " The earth is losing gravity!" . He saw more things starting to rising. 

1 comment:

  1. A good start - I like your use of speech. Please try to write a bit more in the time given though.
