Thursday 4 June 2015


One scary night there was a man who could lift up any thing with
his mind. But when he but when he turned round he lifted him self up to space and landed on mars. When he fell on to a building and grazed his arm then all the mysterious creatures smelt his dark red blood. What would you do if you could smell his blood?

Then his arm closed soon as a alien licked it,then a sword came the astonishing blue
light came from the god of war (Mars) then the god of thunder(Zeus) sent the man a powerful lightning shield then hermes gave him winged sandals and a helmet and chestplate so he killed all the aliens but one his name was Rio he was the best alien ever


1 comment:

  1. I like your use of a rhetorical question, Jamal.
    I would have liked some full stops and commas in your writing though.

    Can you think of any other words instead of then?
