One morning I was walking down to the cob shop round the corner from my house. I was halve way there. While I was walking, everything was lifting up I just could not see it. I turned around there were dust bins and sheds in the sky as if they were going to the moon.
What was happening?! As time went I started to lift up, it felt as if the gravity was. disappearing. What was I going to do?
I was on my journey to the moon. Normally it takes three
days to get two the moon but with me it took like two minutes and I was there I was on the moon.
It felt like I belonged there like I was an alien that I should of lived there. After a few seconds I woke up it was all a dream . I wish it really happened but it didn't so that's that.
A true story.
I like your rhetorical questions Kian. I would have liked to find out more about the moon and what you did there.