Thursday 4 June 2015

Brogan and Ashantis space story

                                                    The future...

One morning, Jenson Smith was walking along the path, when everything rose up! It started by a simple bottle cap then it led to a gate rising, it seemed like everything Jenson walked past it floated up! However, Jenson didn't notice everything was raising, he was only going round the corner to the shop-before work. He was only gone less than 5 minutes everything was normal until he came out his house that's when  everything started floating (but he still did not notice)...

Cautiously, Jenson turned around and he could finally see everything floating! In a blink of an eye, shops started floating. In addition to the shops HOUSES even started floating in the air!As time went on, objects started disappearing into the sky everything completely demolished, nothing was left, no sound no "beeps" from the cars or the sounds of people shouting.It.Was.All.Gone.Before very long Jenson started floating but where had he gone?

He had gone to space! The houses were up there-on the moon! Everyone's possessions were up there everyone was up there, they was having a good time. Is this what the future will be like?

It was from then on that's  how the future world was, but when will the future be?

1 comment:

  1. I like your ideas girls but I feel like you've rushed your ending a little bit. Could you add some more detail below for your ending?
