Monday 29 June 2015

The horrer of robbing. harvey alwin

I hadn't seen the door before; it wasn't there last night. It was behind a bag of old and dusty clothes. The room was a shivering, dull and unseen room. When you cross a tile, its like a person trying to following you. Some tiles may fall and some may not. The door didn't look familiar to me. The door was broken into ten pieces so we have to complete 10 or 11 to get the biggest diamond that the world has ever seen, and get back to our usual country - America. I was to go here because the roman had set us a quest. I was the one who wanted to do this.

The quest was to rob from the castle and this is why I am here.

1 comment:

  1. Some great description! I can't wait to find out what happens next...
    Miss Gardiner
