Thursday 4 June 2015

Pat the moon man

Long ago, on a street of peace, there were troubles and the peace began to fade , Suddenly,  the houses, the post, everything was floating! What was happening to the world? what was going on?! The man knew he was the one to stop all of this commotion, so he did.

 When it was dark, after sun down, the man, who's name was Pat, was working on a rocket into space! And he also had to make an astronaut costume, so he could use it for the safety. But luckily he wouldn't be breaking his heart, he had already had a real astronaut costume, from a friend last term, of course he couldn't keep it locked up in hes home like that! But!! Hes house was up in space, so poor Pat had to make an astronaut costume his self, poor Pat, but anyway he enjoyed making things so he had in done in about 30 minutes! When it was finished he had to test it so he went up into space in hes space ship, and it worked!

 But suddenly! As he flew around to mars for some chocolate, a big gigantic MOON PIG was there! Nibbling at the mars moon like never before! The creature tried to attack him! What could he do! It was hopeless! except for a piece of hard mars chocolate floated into his hand, so he had managed to defeat it, and it was dead.

 Suddenly, the floating objects fell down out of space and down to earth! So, what could he do he wasn't strong enough to pick all of the objects! Especialy a house he wasn't the strongest ever man,but luckily, with all of hes hope, a giant magnet made out of wood bricks metal... And so he picked it up, (weardly the magnet was very light) and flew down to earth leaving his rocket... Sadly, but hes never going up to space again so it didn't matter. The magnet pulled everything up so they didn't smash and break, and placed them back. Pat had never known there would be so many adventures up in space, he would miss hes journey, and maybe one day he "would" go to space to get his space ship, so now, everything was back to normal, as Pat went back up to space to find more adventures, he became an adventurer and explored the world, and everyone well known him as "Pat the space man" they all respected him, because he had saved the whole world, he never stopped exploring, he enjoyed it very much, living wild and free, he then changed hes name to "wild pat" although he still enjoyed the name, "Pat the space man" he enjoyed that name very much.               

                            THE END   

1 comment:

  1. This story made me smile! You have tried really hard with you punctuation. Can you add some speech into your story and write it below?
