Monday 29 June 2015

The blazing sword of doom! By R.S and M.S

Tom hadn't seen the door before; it wasn't there last night but this night he had seen it all. Tom was an adolescent, he had always been supplied with many equipment for adventure and mischief of villainy. He wondered through the abandoned, deserted street where lying monsters were awaiting to attack. Suddenly, he glimpsed at a dead man squished onto the wall. "aargghhhh" screamed Tom, as quickly as he could, Tom ran away. At the corner of his eye, Anubis's were attacking the streets! Hercules answered  "Tom save the world by defeating the dimensions of time and space oh by the way here is a weapon to kill king Anubis." He had received the blazing sword of doom. 


  1. Some fantastic vocabulary choices today! Keep it up!

  2. wowwwwwwwwwwwww amazing marcel and rosh I wish I had a story as cool as you
