Thursday 4 June 2015

Lily's story

After I looked around, I saw all the things go into the sky and disappear.
I started to rise slowly upwards.  I felt terrified what was happening ? I thought to my self where are all the things going?  Who was doing this? I had to find out...

Rushing, I sprinted back to my house to find that it had gone - the whole house had disappeared into thin air! So I hurried to my friend Hero's  house to see if he was there to help me .  As I turned the corner, I was panicked to see that Hero's house was rising slowly into the air. I heard a shout and as I looked around I was relieved to see Hero standing there. I shouted to him, "Hero help me all the houses are gone. I need you to help me to find who did this." 
"Come to my lab we will be safe there!" he yelled.  5 minutes later, we arrived at Hero's lab where we were safe. Deciding to stay in one of the houses, they packed their belongings including: cloths, shoes and so on. As they approached the house, they sat down and waited until the house was in the air.
Suddenly, the house rose up into the sky. Before they knew it they were in space!




  1. Well done, Lily. I like your use of complex sentences today.

  2. Well done lily I enjoyed reading your story and I loved your word choices

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