Thursday 4 June 2015

SILENT STREET by Kelsie Travers

silent street

One day a girl called Jade was walking along the path, when suddenly, everything went silent - you could even hear a pin drop! There were no dogs barking like they usually did.  No noises from cars or birds singing in the trees.  No sounds whatsoever. Suddenly, there was a loud bang and then Jade noticed that all the cars on the road were quickly rising into the air!! 

As soon as she turned around Jade screamed and turned around to see that the houses were also rising and the shops were jade went back to her house to have a nap for 10 minutes when she wake up every thing was in the air still why is every thing in the air for is there a earthquake.  jade went back outside every thing is blue .

jade wonted to change this and put every thing back to gever so I think you have to say a magic password but what is it  I got it black magic .   

1 comment:

  1. I like how you described the silence, Kelsey. Remember your capital letters in all of your paragraphs though please.
