Thursday 4 June 2015

Maybe one day

It was just a normal day, I (Steve Robinson) was trotting down the cracked, old pavement on Acorn Boulevard. When I saw a strange  shadow, drifting into the pale blue sky. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, I started to raise steadily into the clouds; I felt as light as a feather floating into the afternoon air. Without warning, I fell to the pebble covered ground into a deep sleep - Was it a dream or was it real?......

Although it seemed a fantasy, I woke with a start noticing that the air seemed thin and lifeless, birds were flapping all around me. It took a lot of effort to stand up with all of my strength , this was my worst nightmare. On the other hand, I had always dreamed of flying but this was not what I had dreamed of.
"Steve! Steve! Wake up you stupid man!" cried a deaf old woman, who was my next door neighbour.

Covered in old woman spit, I noticed this was not an innocent dream, it was as real as the Christmas story.
" Only one person could fix this. Steve Robinson. Me,"I thought.
The next day, I went to a crazy scientist's laboratory to tell him about the strange happenings going on. Surprisingly, he wasn't there but I let myself in anyway. Where could he have gone?

His laboratory was cleaner than expected, posters were dotted on the wall. I took notice to a newspaper which had a headline which read 'MAJOR GRAVITY LOSS! FOR ACORN BOULEVARD!'

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic! I really like your description and use of punctuation.
