Thursday 4 June 2015

Joanna's Story.

The Future Begins Now..

It seemed like a normal day until I stepped outside...

As I looked around everything changed. I started to walk, what happened? Well, it all started when I had the strangest nightmare, it was all about me having powers and everything started to float outside - was it going to be real life? I had to stop this; I wanted to find if it was true or false. Cautiously, I started to walk outside along my street, I was shaking non-stop. A few seconds later, I walked past some plain white fences, It started to float. Oh No! It wasn't a nightmare at all! I was getting worried, I walked even further to see if anything else started to float as well as the mysterious fence. As fast as a flash I ran past a bright green car,  you'd never guess what. That started to float as well! Eventually everything started to rise up into the sky, where was it going to fly to? How was I going to get them back down and get it all settled again? I didn't know how to react. How are the neighbours going to react that I took all of their: furniture, car, house, fences/gates etc. I felt awful, this was the worst feeling I had ever felt before. I had to plan how I was going to get everything back to normal.

After a while, I thought my plan was genius and that I was ready to get all their things back, I could see the wonder in people's eyes. Rapidly, I took all their possessions so I had to get it back. Time went by and I was so close to get everything back to it's original place. I spoke to all the neighbours and they understood how it all happened, they all was on my side, we worked all together and we was ready to get everything back to normal. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm intrigued how you managed to get it all back Joanna?
