Wednesday 15 April 2015

Sharneys letter

                                              Heroic discount store
                                              543 Olympian way
                                              Greece, anther
                                              AN2 6PQ

To whom it may concern,
                                   I am writing to you to request for certain items that I will be hoping to receive for my heroic journey. Hopefully, your store will be able to for fill my expectations as no other store has! Can you make this happen?

As you already know a muscular hero (like me) has to accomplish several quests for the king he has gave me not one but twelve tasks to complete-this will be a life risking, breath taking journey and I need your help! Obviously, I will need many supplies such as: a razor sharp dagger to  assassinate the a specific lion; an invisibility cloak to rapidly sneak upon the three headed dog and drag him  unknowingly; a bow and arrow full of poison to shoot the deer and receive its golden antlers and complete another challenge; and finally a two meter long rope to choke the hydra and achieve victory!

Although I am Heracles, the great I still need your assistance .I hope I have not caused you any trouble-I really appreciate your help!

                                                    Many thanks Heracles the greatest!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great letter Sharney! I really like how you have included extra information about the items you need.
