Wednesday 15 April 2015

Benyve's letter

                                                                      Heroic Discount 
                                                                     744  Olympian way

To whom it may concern,
                                              I am writing this letter to ask you for a supply of weapons and poison to complete my twelve daring tasks (chosen by the royal King.)

Before I decided to come to the best store in Greece, I tried to window shop in different stores but none of them had exactly what I needed; that is when I knew that the only place that knew me well enough to have the perfect items would be yours.  Without a doubt I will be asking you for some dangerous weapons which are: a poisons bow and arrow to kill the ferocious lion; a strong rope to choke the hydra whilst wrapping it around all its necks; a razor sharp dagger to capture the deer with the golden antlers; a shield and sword just in case the boor comes up to me and fights back and a shovel to clean out the excretion of the animals in the stable.
I hope you can understand why I need them.
                                           yours sincerely, 

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