Wednesday 15 April 2015

Adrian's letter.

Dear who ever this letter may concern,

I am a valiant hero on a very important quest. I have been asked to complete not one, but twelve tasks - can you believe it? So I am asking you for some important supplies.

All of these challenging quests are a risk and may cost my life, so please may you deliver these all important items for a brave hero like me: a sharp dagger for slicing of the head of the Nemean lion; a special potion to make me immune to poison, to protect me from the hydra; a cloak to make me invisible, to help me hunt the deer with golden antlers; a magic shield that may protect me from magic spells; and finally a golden suit of armour to make me look more heroic and stronger then I already am.

As you can tell, I am very busy with my challenges so I need these items in the next 48 hours. I know that you are one of the best suppliers out their and I have very high expectations. When I am famous I will repay you for all of this expensive equipment.

Yours Sincerely
Heracles The Great.

1 comment:

  1. A fantastic letter Adrian! I really like your descriptive list.
