Wednesday 15 April 2015

Joanne's letter

                                                                                                                         Heroic Discount Supplies,
                                                                                                                              727 Battle Street

To whom it may concern,
                                          I am writing to you to ask for some of your hero weapons as they are extremely hard to come across; so it makes your shop the only place where I can get them. Although I may already have supplies like blades and shields(also armour to protect myself), they can not defeat the beasts I have to fight.

By the kings order, I have been told to do not one but twelve most dangerous quests! If it is possible to have the following items then I would be most grateful. The following items I need are: a razor-sharp blade to slice of the fierce and powerful lion into tiny pieces; an almighty strong metal shield to protect my self from the hydra's blazing fire breath along with the strongest kind of metal armour; invisible cloak to sneak past the golden antlered deer and finally a potion of snake poison to slay the ferocious boar.

I would be ever so greatful to be able to get these special gifts.

1 comment:

  1. A great letter! I like your descriptive list, Joanne.
