Wednesday 15 April 2015

Kaitlyn's letter

                                                                                                           Heroic discount street
                                                                                                74 Olympian way
                                                                                                Greece, Athens
                                                                                                LE2 HM4

To whom I am writing to,

I am writing to you to ask you if you will give me these following things. I need a lot of things to complete these death - defying tasks that I have been given. As you know, I am a very busy hero so I have been given some of these following tasks. I have been given not 1, but 12 tasks so I will need you to help me gather up this equipment for my long journey.

I`ll need: a razor sharp dagger for chopping the horrible lion`s head; a 2 metered rope for tying the heads of the 10-headed hydra; a knife for dreadfully cutting the glistening golden antlers of the amazing deer; a poisonous bow and arrow to kill the dreadful boar that lives among the highest mountains; and a white robe to wear to make me look even more heroic than I already do.

                                                  your sincerely,


  1. Well done for including some description!
    Can you include some adverbs next time?

  2. I really like the first paragraph where it says these death defying tasks it sound extremely good!
