Wednesday 15 April 2015

Drippy the Droplet

Relaxing as usual , in the crystal clear, tranquil sea with her adventurous  friends (Floppy  and Dave) Drippy felt a sudden heat wave come over her, as the  raging  hot sun beamed down on her "It's happening again guys; get prepared!" Floppy exclaimed, expressionless.

Drippy raised up transforming into water vapour, this could also be called evaporation- when the sun turns water into vapour. "Up  and away," shouted Dave excitedly as he began to lift up into the sky.  

Cautiously she squeezed through the  spaces of the puffy white cloud trying to find her friends. Suddenly she felt a chill trickle down her spine like a spider creeping across your hand slowly she began altering back into a  water droplet - Drippy was condensing. As the cloud grew blacker and heavier and more droplets joined forces with them. Drippy instantly grabbed hold of Floppy and Dave hand-they knew at any moment they could precipitate. Although Drippy is used to the water cycle every time a thrilling feeling fills her heart  Drippys heart rapidly beats like as drum out of her chest! A tingle of trepidation trickles down her spine it was happening - she was precipitating.

Exploding out of the cloud drippy darted to the hard ground at exhilarating speed.
"WHOOOHOO!" screamed Dave with excitement ran down the snowy mountain.
As soon as she got down drippy drifted off with her friends.

By Janice            

1 comment:

  1. Janice, I really like the vocabulary you have used and your use of punctuation. Keep it up. Miss Gardiner
