Wednesday 15 April 2015

Brogan's letter

                                                                                                      Heroic Discount Stores
                                                                                                      456 Greek  way
                                                                                                          Athens, Greece
To whom it may concern,

                                           I was wondering if you could supply me with your discounted items? I am going to be taking 12 tasks, which the king gave me! They are challenging but some are easy like: killing a lion, getting the scarf from the queen and killing the snake, which has three heads. But the most challenging one is to kill the dear with the golden anthers!

As you know, heroes like me need tools so I came to the best supplies store in the whole of Greece! I need: a razor sharp dagger, to kill the lion; killer snake poison, or a metre long piece of rope for choking the 10 headed hydra to kill the snake; a metal round shield; a pop up little tent(so I can pop it up when I am traveling around)and finally I need fast acting traps to capture animals. If you have  noticed I will not be needing anything for the queen, because all I need is my charm-I heard she already likes me!

Even though it is a lot to ask, I need YOUR help, if you are willing to give me these products here is my address- 52 Greek road. As soon as you get this contact me strait the way, as I will know you considered it. Although  I have asked for a lot, can I have a heroic white tunic gown so I look more heroic!

Thank you
                  yours sincerely Hercueles 


  1. Brogan, this is great!
    I really like this sentence...

    If you have noticed I will not be needing anything for the queen, because all I need is my charm-I heard she already likes me!

    Great use of a subordinating conjunction and a dash.

  2. I like this to the sentence really works well in the letter and it is hilarious!
