Wednesday 15 April 2015

Messiah's letter


66 hero supplies

Greece, Athens

Dear manager of the supply store,

I am writing to you to ask you about objects which your currently selling I am going to need for a very important quest . I have been set these incredible tasks. 

I have been challenged to do 12 tasks. Can you believe it? I can't. The first object that I have been hunting for is a raiser sharp sword like it's my prey - I just cant wait to hold one. You might of been guessing I've never held a sword before (please don't tell anybody.) I'm  a beginners class maybe you could help me. I also need a robe to strangle a 10 headed snake. if you have any armour I would be delighted to receive it. (I need it asp         


  1. A great effort with your punctuation today!
    Can you try and include some sentence openers next time? e.g. subordinating conjunctions/adverbs

  2. I really like where he has asked a question and then answered it himself it really works well!!

  3. Nice work Tailor
