Wednesday 15 April 2015

Janice's letter

                                                                                                               Heroic Discount Supplies
To whom it may concern,                                                                      744 Olympian Way
                                                                                                                Athens Greece.
                                         I was wondering if I could ask you to allow me to borrow some of your supplies and tools, I need these things because the king has a signed me to do tasks that no one has ever faced. I have heard that this company produces amazing supplies in Athens people say that this is even the place where the king has come many times to collect his shield and razor sharp dagger.

As you know, heroes like me need supplies such as the following: a razor sharp blade for slicing the lion's head; a meter long piece of rope for choking the 10 headed hydra; a poisoner bow and arrow to kill and capture little creatures or fast acting traps for capturing animals. I will not be needing anything for the queen because she is my lucky charm.

As soon as the products come through this is the address you can get in touch with me:17 Athens road, as soon as you get to my house please contact me on:07722206803.




  1. Well done Janice. I like you've given reasons why you need the items.
    Next time try and include more level 5 punctuation.

  2. OK!
    Miss Gardiner.
