Wednesday 18 March 2015

splash the water droplet

 Relaxing as usual in the tranquil sea, Splash was chilling out with her loving friends[Dizzy and Dave ]- all of a sudden, Splash and her friends felt as hot as ever. She knew what was happening because it has happened before to her. " Don't worry, I know that you aren't used to it but it won't hurt you!" exclaimed Splash. They were evaporating from the water and Splash couldn't see her friends anywhere.

Now they were performing a cloud and Splash could feel her friends calm hands coiling together as they got pushed together.

1 comment:

  1. A great start - not sure where the rest of your writing has gone?

    You've tried hard to use a range of punctuation. Remember to include some subordinating conjunctions e..g although, if, because, despite, even though etc to begin some of your sentences.
