Wednesday 18 March 2015

Drip, Drop..

Relaxing through all the entertainment- while they still could! The shining sun reflects onto the ocean, people swimming in delight  Trying not to be confused what's going to change by being  transformed over and over again, (This is called the water life cycle!). Enjoying the shimmering clouds above us waiting, when will it be our turn? Drippy, who was terrified whispered, "I.. I hear something.. I think it's.. going to start any moment now..". Droppy, who was Drippys friend, was separated once by the water cycle, it was an unpleasant surprised but

1 comment:

  1. You've tried hard to use some verbs to begin sentences and add in subordinate clauses - well done.

    Remember to use subordinating conjunctions at the beginning of sentences too e.g. although, because, if, even though
