Wednesday 6 May 2015

SATs revision


A  noun is a name, place of thing, so it needs a capital letter. But don't forget a month and day need a capital letter too!

A verb is a doing or being word for example running,jummping, splashing.

An article is used to show say a specific thing like the box, which is talking about a specific thing not a box which is any kind of box. e.g., A ,an and the

A adjective is describes a noun for example the bright light, the wet water, green grass. ( which you can see on the first line)

A adverb describes a verb (which you can see on the second line) e.g.. slowly, swiftly, quietly.

A proper noun, which is a different way to use a noun e.g. , Emily , Amanda ,Thalia

A pronoun is a different way to use a proper noun, e.g., he she they you me him her ; and most importantly it most people forget it so MAKE SURE YOU REMEMBER!


  1. An excellent revision guide girls!

  2. Thanks Miss Gardiner. Joanne

  3. Your welcome. Miss Gardiner

  4. I really enjoyed reading your post and its very useful.

