Wednesday 6 May 2015

Joanna's & Ashanti's Grammar Revision Guide..

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Joanna's & Ashanti's Grammar Revision Guide..

Noun: A noun is a name, place and thing like: Joanna, Ashanti, Leicester, London, Italy, Ruler, Cat etc.

Verb: A verb is a doing word or a being word like: Dancing, Running, Skipping, Singing, Was, Is etc.

Adverb: A adverb describes a verb like: Cautiously, Quickly, Slowly etc.

Adjectives: A adjective describes a noun like: Sunny, Fluffy, Bright, Colourful etc.

Article: A article/determiner normally is: A, An and The.

Preposition: A preposition shows relation and positions of where something is or when like: Under, On, Near, Over, Yesterday, Today, Earlier On etc.

Pro- Noun: A pro-noun is instead of using a noun you use pro-nouns like: he, she, they and her.


  1. I really liked making a grammar revision with Ashanti, I hope it will help everyone who needs help with their grammar

  2. Nice work jojo and ashanti

  3. An excellent revision guide girls. Well done!

  4. I like how you guys took both your ideas and put them together! Janice

  5. An excellent revision guide girls. Well done! Janice

  6. I really like how they have formed one great poster it is very useful! Sharney

  7. Thank you everyone for your comments, means a lot.
