Sunday, 18 September 2016



Rounding is when you round a number to the nearest 10,100,1000,10 000,100 000 and 1 000 000. If you are rounding a number you will have to look at the column  before also, if in the column before the number is 1-4 then round down if it is 5-9 then round up. click here for more information

                                                        by Grace and Azza

Rounding Marcel and Demarci

Today we have been learning about rounding. We rounded numbers up to 10 million, it has been easy ,our teacher gave us a sheet and it had numbers up to 10 million for us to round you have to look at the place before it and if it is 5 or over you go up, under 5 is down. Click her to find out more

Rosh and Ahmad

I thought that when we started rounding, I felt I was going to do well because I enjoy rounding. The part how you can round the biggest number to the lowest number for e.g, you can round 1,398,211,578 to the nearest ten which would be 1,398,211,580. They can be a trillion or even a decimal! No matter what number you can still round it.

About rounding

Rounding Alwin and Joseph

In year 6 we have been learning about rounding in maths. Here are some examples of rounding...
2009 rounded to the nearest ten is 2010
7945 rounded to the nearest hundred is  7900
8457 rounded to the nearest thousand is 8000
12563421 rounded to the nearest hundred is 12563400
78 rounded to the nearest ten is 80

Rounding by Leo and Patrick

In year 6 we have been doing rounding numbers to the nearest 10,000,000,000.for some people it has been tricky.

click hear to find imformation about rounding

Chloe and Aleesha

Rounding Numbers

Me and Aleesha  have learned  how to  round from our teacher Miss Wilson . This is how you do it.  First you choose a number and you have to round it to the nearest 10,100,1000,10 000,100 000 and a million. For example 123 145 and 137 986 if you were rounding to the nearest 100 000. You would look at the 10 000 place  and if it is 5 or  over  you round it up and 4 or below you round it down like 123 145 its below 5 so you round it down to 120 000 also its the same with the other one 137 986 it also below 5 so you round it down to 130 000 try this one at home 898 111. After you have done it check and the answer  900 000 because you round it up because its 5 or over .  click here to find more information

Year 6

In year 6, we have been learning about rounding up to a million! We (year 6) really enjoy rounding as it helps us with our daily life. Now we know fully how to round to 10, 100, 1,00, 10,00 and so on.
In spelling, we have learnt the suffixes: able, able, ible, ibly!
For example: possible, possibly.

Click here for more information about rounding!


Cole A Kian blog

                                    What we are doing in literacy check it out its very cool

Hello every body in this blog we are going to be talking about what we are doing in literacy which is a story we don't know what its called though.


Roman Numerals

This week we have learned about roman numerals e.g. 

I= 1 V= 5 X=10 XX= 20 L= 50 C= 100 D= 500 M= 1000. We have learned about bigger Roman numerals e.g. MMXVIII =2018.

Roman numerals

In class, we have been learning about Roman numerals. Our task was to write our numbers in Roman numerals. For example,
I = 1
V = 5
X = 10
L = 50
C = 100
D = 500
M = 1000
245 = CCXLV
575 = DLXXV
To make other numbers like 4,900 and  14 you have to do some subtracting.
this is how you write it ...
4 = IV
900 = CM
14 = XIV



   In year 6 we have been learning about rounding numbers up and
   down. For example 124,926,890 rounded to the nearest ten   
   thousand is 124,930,000, its as simple as that. 123,123 rounded to
   the nearest one hundered thousand is 100,00. 198,667,452  
   rounded to the nearest 100,000,000 is 200,000,000.

more about rounding


ROUNDING FOR year six sofia and tia


  1. When rounding to the nearest millions you have to look to the number before it no matter what. 

Manfred the baddie Sahil and Oliver.

                                                           Manfred the baddie

Manfred the baddie was an evil and nasty person and he steels valuable things from people with his gang of henchmen .He  also stole brilliant inventors to make machines for him so he could steal even more things from people.

One day he had a cold and nobody wanted to help him.  He rang the doctor and the doctor said I will only help you if you become a goody. He returned everything he stole.

What We Do In Maths And English - Anna G And Diamond

What we have done in maths-Ella and Tiana

In maths we have been learning about rounding. We have learnt to round to 10 000 and 100 000.   Everyone has been using different equipment like a number line, counters and some of us even did it mentally. Rounding was defiantly hard. Now we can round with large numbers like 258 369 ~
300 000 and 645 519 ~ 600 000.

Sophie H and Shhd

Manfred the baddie

In this story there's a baddie called... Manfred the baddie. Each night he would go out with his group of men.

What we did today by Annalise and Hossana

In Holy Cross we do Singapore maths. Currently we rounding to the nearest 100 000.


Rounding Numbers

This week in year 5, we have been learning about rounding numbers in maths. We have been rounding to the nearest thousands. We said that when we are rounding if it is 5 or over it would round up and if it was 4 or under it would round down. We have been using our Text-books to have examples to write in our books. 

Channon and Natalia rounding

We have been learning about rounding to the nearest  100 000 in math. let me tell you more information and if its five or over you round up, and if its four or under it rounds down. That's what you do it on a number line. Also if you do it as a number sentence in the middle you do a approximately sign.


What we do in our lessons-By John and Hassan

We are learning how to round numbers up to 100 000 with Singapore maths' help.

In English, we are learning  what's in a explanations.  

In RE, we are learning we are learning about our qualities.

Manfred The Baddie Joshua and Jack

Manfred the baddie book: This book is entertaining, fun,awesome and cool. I would recommend this book to people who have fun feelings inside them. Theres a man called Manfred the baddie but near the end he becomes Manfred the goodie.

The Snoozatron by year 5

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Welcome year 5 and 6!

Welcome year 5 and 6 to your blog! We can not wait to see your first posts on Friday! Have fun but remember the blog rules... From Miss Gardiner and Mrs Easton