I hadn't seen the door before it wasn't there last night but what could it be? We went to test the door. It was a wizards place we put one leg in but the door vanished out of site. I felt so worried because I wondered how I could go back home.. Maybe I will ask one of the wizards.
Monday, 29 June 2015
Azza and Demi
I hadn't seen the door before it wasn't there last night but what could it be? We went to test the door. It was a wizards place we put one leg in but the door vanished out of site. I felt so worried because I wondered how I could go back home.. Maybe I will ask one of the wizards.
Big alian football game by leo and kian
I hadn't seen the door before it wasn't here last night.
Is it a space ship and they are challenging us to a football game if they win they take the world no 2nd chance!!!!!!. Messi will be the captain of the team. Ronaldo will be left wing, neymar jr will be right wing, noyer will be in goalkeeper . they will be called the nike academy.
Is it a space ship and they are challenging us to a football game if they win they take the world no 2nd chance!!!!!!. Messi will be the captain of the team. Ronaldo will be left wing, neymar jr will be right wing, noyer will be in goalkeeper . they will be called the nike academy.
The honted house and the mistery the diseping door by sofia and cheneil
I hadn't seen the door before; it wasn't there last night. When I was getting ready for bed ,I axedentely tripet over a misterios key, when I got up there rite infront me there was a pitch black door with a scul . If im correct it looked like a deth sing from a movie I sore last year . I couldent stand but to try to open the door with the key that I triped over. So when I tried to open the door it pulled me in. There I was standing on pourch of a honted castle .
The door of Freddy frassbears pizza. By Cole and Joseph.
I hadn't seen the door before; it wasn't there last night as me/Cole and my friend Joseph entered the door with horror in our eyes STANDING IN FRONT OF FREDDY FAZZBEAR PIZZA as soon as, we entered Freddy Fazzbears pizza...
Our eyes sor Freddy,Chica,Bonnie and last of all Foxy . When we got into the room, we noticed we had are security outfit on. "That means were in BIG TROUBLE .!!" shouted Joseph . We both whent into the security room then we both looked at the security camera on stage and ...
Bonnie was missing we both gasped and switched rapidly, through the cameras seaing that Bonnie was leaning at the door I shut the door and we both sat shaking are socks of joseph was rocking litteraly shaking his socks of it spun of
The horror story. Ahmad
I hadn't seen the door before; it wasn't there last night.It was next to the old dragon. I was scared of that dragon because it was so big. The door was broken in small pieces. Then, the dragon wake up and I saw some of scary dragon's. I was so scared to get out of my bag. Next, I went out of my bag. The big dragon came to me scared me because accident i throw rock at him.
dinosaur world by faith and tia
I hadn't seen the door before it wasn't there last night. I walked up to it. I opened up the door as I opened the door I sore a magical glow from underneath the crack in the door. I opened the door fully and I sore dinosaurs every were and when I say every were I mean every were. I went into the door then there was dinosaurs chasing me everywhere I go.
I found a little cave that I could hide in but when I went deep down I wasn't safe because there was 10 massive t-rex's.
I found a little cave that I could hide in but when I went deep down I wasn't safe because there was 10 massive t-rex's.
Death Tunnels by Demarci and JaydenJ
They hadn't seen the door before last night, so they crept through. Through the door I saw a big heavy titanium door. I knock 4 times , when I opened the door it was like a time portal which sent me to a room with four doors "well that's a coincidence ,four knocks four doors ,said the 9 boys as soon as the nine boys crept into the tunnel closer and closer they could see light but a javelin landed right in front of the exit .The boy`s crept out just missing another javelin as soon as the boy`s crept out the Celts gather around the nine boys
I hadn't seen the door; it wasn't there last night how did it get hear and were did it come from...
It was tonight when I heard the sound of glooping in my brand new door I had not seen it before it could of been my mother and father who had brought it upstairs. I got up from out of my bed, I could not sleep because I was curious, so I opened the door to see what all the commotion was all about, I saw a black tunnel leading to a world of purple gloop. ''Weeeeeeeeeeee'' I shouted when I went down some weird but fun slide.
It was tonight when I heard the sound of glooping in my brand new door I had not seen it before it could of been my mother and father who had brought it upstairs. I got up from out of my bed, I could not sleep because I was curious, so I opened the door to see what all the commotion was all about, I saw a black tunnel leading to a world of purple gloop. ''Weeeeeeeeeeee'' I shouted when I went down some weird but fun slide.
The horrer of robbing. harvey alwin
I hadn't seen the door before; it wasn't there last night. It was behind a bag of old and dusty clothes. The room was a shivering, dull and unseen room. When you cross a tile, its like a person trying to following you. Some tiles may fall and some may not. The door didn't look familiar to me. The door was broken into ten pieces so we have to complete 10 or 11 to get the biggest diamond that the world has ever seen, and get back to our usual country - America. I was to go here because the roman had set us a quest. I was the one who wanted to do this.
The quest was to rob from the castle and this is why I am here.
The quest was to rob from the castle and this is why I am here.
The door Jayden A Zackary T
I hadn't seen the door before; it wasn't there last night, but I must sleep because it's a school night.
dreamAs the young chap was on his way to school, he was seeing strange things. When he was at school, the teacher turned into an alien and when he looked out the window his car was a ufo, and flew off with Miss Enderman.
When he woke up, he was relived that it was not real life, because he loved school and never missed a day. As he walked into the door he waddled into Freddy's dimension, he shut the door behind him. Suddenly, the door smashed into a million peace's. "What would he do?" He walked into a pizzeria called "Freddy Fazz bears pizzeria" it was haunted.
The Room Of Magic... By Natalia And Jacob!
I hadn't seen the door before; it wasn't there last night? Because the door was not there last night, it slowly opened for Natalia Jacob. As soon as the door opened, Jacob screamed and ran around Natalia waving his arms about! Then he hid behind a box crying as loud as a baby elephant. " What on earth do you think your doing!" exclaimed Natalia at Jacob. Despite Jacob screaming, they creped through the door. They found them selves in... a land of marshmallow trampolines, massive raspberry lollipops , chocolate bunnies that you could ride which is basically candy land!
zombie world by Keaton and Aleesha
I hadn't seen the door before; It wasn't there last night. I wondered if it lead to anywhere. The door was brown and old. I was terrified, I didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, the door creaked open and a huge amount of dust came out.
Inside the door, I could see a village full of zombies. When I stepped inside the village, the door slammed shut behind me, locking me inside the village. I started banging on the door and was shouting for help. But I couldn't get out, I was stuck in the village. As fast as I could, I ran to hide away from the zombies into a house that I saw. the zombies opened the house door and looked for me. I was scared.
the mysterious dragon written by GY+GJ
I hadn't seen this door before; it wasn't there last night... as Molly woke up she faced the mysterious, wooden, planked door. She walked to the door and looked at it. After a while it opened all by its self... all of a sudden, it sucked her right in! Molly opened her eyes and found her self on the ground
The blazing sword of doom! By R.S and M.S
Tom hadn't seen the door before; it wasn't there last night but this night he had seen it all. Tom was an adolescent, he had always been supplied with many equipment for adventure and mischief of villainy. He wondered through the abandoned, deserted street where lying monsters were awaiting to attack. Suddenly, he glimpsed at a dead man squished onto the wall. "aargghhhh" screamed Tom, as quickly as he could, Tom ran away. At the corner of his eye, Anubis's were attacking the streets! Hercules answered "Tom save the world by defeating the dimensions of time and space oh by the way here is a weapon to kill king Anubis." He had received the blazing sword of doom.
The Wooooooolf by M.J & C.O
Mickle hadn't seen the door before; it wasn't there last night. Mickle(the little boy) jumped out the bed, and investigated what it was all about. He was curious to find out. He approached the squeaking also not to mention irritating door. By the time he got there he put his hand on old and rusty handle. Automatically, the door suddenly opened...
While the door was opening, Mickle pushed pass the door and
sneaked inside the door collapsed and disappeared. Once Mickle noticed the door had gone he felt as if he was trapped in a tiny room forever.
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Joannas Survey
Miss Gardiner's Survey
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Lily's story
After I looked around, I saw all the things go into the sky and disappear.
I started to rise slowly upwards. I felt terrified what was happening ? I thought to my self where are all the things going? Who was doing this? I had to find out...
Rushing, I sprinted back to my house to find that it had gone - the whole house had disappeared into thin air! So I hurried to my friend Hero's house to see if he was there to help me . As I turned the corner, I was panicked to see that Hero's house was rising slowly into the air. I heard a shout and as I looked around I was relieved to see Hero standing there. I shouted to him, "Hero help me all the houses are gone. I need you to help me to find who did this."
"Come to my lab we will be safe there!" he yelled. 5 minutes later, we arrived at Hero's lab where we were safe. Deciding to stay in one of the houses, they packed their belongings including: cloths, shoes and so on. As they approached the house, they sat down and waited until the house was in the air.
Suddenly, the house rose up into the sky. Before they knew it they were in space!
Gravity Loss by James
One day a man called Dan was walking to work. All of a sudden the manhole he stepped on flung him as high as a skyscraper and when he hit the ground he didn't die. "I have super powers!" he shouted. As he looked around everything was floating up. He grabbed a newspaper as it floated past. It said a Alien space ship disabled the Earths gravity. Then he heard a voice it said "put your hand out and make a ship to go in to space to save the Earth " the voice said . He put his hand out and a ship called the USS enterprise appeared. "Wow!" said Dan
When he got inside the ship was on auto pilot, the ship warped to mars.
When he got inside the ship was on auto pilot, the ship warped to mars.
I went to the moon by Kian
One morning I was walking down to the cob shop round the corner from my house. I was halve way there. While I was walking, everything was lifting up I just could not see it. I turned around there were dust bins and sheds in the sky as if they were going to the moon.
What was happening?! As time went I started to lift up, it felt as if the gravity was. disappearing. What was I going to do?
I was on my journey to the moon. Normally it takes three
days to get two the moon but with me it took like two minutes and I was there I was on the moon.
It felt like I belonged there like I was an alien that I should of lived there. After a few seconds I woke up it was all a dream . I wish it really happened but it didn't so that's that.
A true story.
One scary night there was a man who could lift up any thing with
his mind. But when he but when he turned round he lifted him self up to space and landed on mars. When he fell on to a building and grazed his arm then all the mysterious creatures smelt his dark red blood. What would you do if you could smell his blood?
Then his arm closed soon as a alien licked it,then a sword came the astonishing blue
light came from the god of war (Mars) then the god of thunder(Zeus) sent the man a powerful lightning shield then hermes gave him winged sandals and a helmet and chestplate so he killed all the aliens but one his name was Rio he was the best alien ever
his mind. But when he but when he turned round he lifted him self up to space and landed on mars. When he fell on to a building and grazed his arm then all the mysterious creatures smelt his dark red blood. What would you do if you could smell his blood?
Then his arm closed soon as a alien licked it,then a sword came the astonishing blue
light came from the god of war (Mars) then the god of thunder(Zeus) sent the man a powerful lightning shield then hermes gave him winged sandals and a helmet and chestplate so he killed all the aliens but one his name was Rio he was the best alien ever
Gravitys gone
One dark night, every thing started to float.One man remained on the ground,but he had a sense that something was wrong. He turned around and was completely shocked to see his own house was floating up towards space! What was happening to the Earth? How come he was not floating as well?
In the blink of an eye he was gone, racing towards the space station looking for the astronaut suit! So he could fix the mysterious mission. He found one he quickly put it on and started the rocket. 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!BLAST OFF! Now lets find out what's wrong with earth. Finally he landed on the moon.
Rio saw a massive machine that loses gravity covered in hideous green aliens I grabbed a gun. Ran up there shot one shot two! Ye baby jumped on rio and bit him then rio shot it there was one left but he was actually quite nice Adam the aliens name said I didn't want to do this I will fix it for. ok it all stopped he jumped into the rocket went back to earth evry thing was back its bin fix by me again .
In the blink of an eye he was gone, racing towards the space station looking for the astronaut suit! So he could fix the mysterious mission. He found one he quickly put it on and started the rocket. 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!BLAST OFF! Now lets find out what's wrong with earth. Finally he landed on the moon.
Rio saw a massive machine that loses gravity covered in hideous green aliens I grabbed a gun. Ran up there shot one shot two! Ye baby jumped on rio and bit him then rio shot it there was one left but he was actually quite nice Adam the aliens name said I didn't want to do this I will fix it for. ok it all stopped he jumped into the rocket went back to earth evry thing was back its bin fix by me again .
Maybe one day
It was just a normal day, I (Steve Robinson) was trotting down the cracked, old pavement on Acorn Boulevard. When I saw a strange shadow, drifting into the pale blue sky. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, I started to raise steadily into the clouds; I felt as light as a feather floating into the afternoon air. Without warning, I fell to the pebble covered ground into a deep sleep - Was it a dream or was it real?......
Although it seemed a fantasy, I woke with a start noticing that the air seemed thin and lifeless, birds were flapping all around me. It took a lot of effort to stand up with all of my strength , this was my worst nightmare. On the other hand, I had always dreamed of flying but this was not what I had dreamed of.
"Steve! Steve! Wake up you stupid man!" cried a deaf old woman, who was my next door neighbour.
Covered in old woman spit, I noticed this was not an innocent dream, it was as real as the Christmas story.
" Only one person could fix this. Steve Robinson. Me,"I thought.
The next day, I went to a crazy scientist's laboratory to tell him about the strange happenings going on. Surprisingly, he wasn't there but I let myself in anyway. Where could he have gone?
His laboratory was cleaner than expected, posters were dotted on the wall. I took notice to a newspaper which had a headline which read 'MAJOR GRAVITY LOSS! FOR ACORN BOULEVARD!'
Although it seemed a fantasy, I woke with a start noticing that the air seemed thin and lifeless, birds were flapping all around me. It took a lot of effort to stand up with all of my strength , this was my worst nightmare. On the other hand, I had always dreamed of flying but this was not what I had dreamed of.
"Steve! Steve! Wake up you stupid man!" cried a deaf old woman, who was my next door neighbour.
Covered in old woman spit, I noticed this was not an innocent dream, it was as real as the Christmas story.
" Only one person could fix this. Steve Robinson. Me,"I thought.
The next day, I went to a crazy scientist's laboratory to tell him about the strange happenings going on. Surprisingly, he wasn't there but I let myself in anyway. Where could he have gone?
His laboratory was cleaner than expected, posters were dotted on the wall. I took notice to a newspaper which had a headline which read 'MAJOR GRAVITY LOSS! FOR ACORN BOULEVARD!'
Brogan and Ashantis space story
The future...
One morning, Jenson Smith was walking along the path, when everything rose up! It started by a simple bottle cap then it led to a gate rising, it seemed like everything Jenson walked past it floated up! However, Jenson didn't notice everything was raising, he was only going round the corner to the shop-before work. He was only gone less than 5 minutes everything was normal until he came out his house that's when everything started floating (but he still did not notice)...
Cautiously, Jenson turned around and he could finally see everything floating! In a blink of an eye, shops started floating. In addition to the shops HOUSES even started floating in the air!As time went on, objects started disappearing into the sky everything completely demolished, nothing was left, no sound no "beeps" from the cars or the sounds of people shouting.It.Was.All.Gone.Before very long Jenson started floating but where had he gone?
He had gone to space! The houses were up there-on the moon! Everyone's possessions were up there everyone was up there, they was having a good time. Is this what the future will be like?
It was from then on that's how the future world was, but when will the future be?
One morning, Jenson Smith was walking along the path, when everything rose up! It started by a simple bottle cap then it led to a gate rising, it seemed like everything Jenson walked past it floated up! However, Jenson didn't notice everything was raising, he was only going round the corner to the shop-before work. He was only gone less than 5 minutes everything was normal until he came out his house that's when everything started floating (but he still did not notice)...
Cautiously, Jenson turned around and he could finally see everything floating! In a blink of an eye, shops started floating. In addition to the shops HOUSES even started floating in the air!As time went on, objects started disappearing into the sky everything completely demolished, nothing was left, no sound no "beeps" from the cars or the sounds of people shouting.It.Was.All.Gone.Before very long Jenson started floating but where had he gone?
He had gone to space! The houses were up there-on the moon! Everyone's possessions were up there everyone was up there, they was having a good time. Is this what the future will be like?
It was from then on that's how the future world was, but when will the future be?
Landed on the milky way
It was normal, until everything started going wrong...
As soon as I woke up, things started to loose it's gravity even I wondered what was happening. I thought it was a dream, I tried to wake myself up but it didn't work . It was a mystery . How could this be real? After a while, my mum came in to check on me but she didn't loose her gravity. later on that day , I woke up and I noticed that everything was in the air and it just wouldn't come down ...
since it was a school day , I put my uniform on and at precisely 7:00am I left the house to go to school.
Joanna's Story.
The Future Begins Now..
It seemed like a normal day until I stepped outside...
As I looked around everything changed. I started to walk, what happened? Well, it all started when I had the strangest nightmare, it was all about me having powers and everything started to float outside - was it going to be real life? I had to stop this; I wanted to find if it was true or false. Cautiously, I started to walk outside along my street, I was shaking non-stop. A few seconds later, I walked past some plain white fences, It started to float. Oh No! It wasn't a nightmare at all! I was getting worried, I walked even further to see if anything else started to float as well as the mysterious fence. As fast as a flash I ran past a bright green car, you'd never guess what. That started to float as well! Eventually everything started to rise up into the sky, where was it going to fly to? How was I going to get them back down and get it all settled again? I didn't know how to react. How are the neighbours going to react that I took all of their: furniture, car, house, fences/gates etc. I felt awful, this was the worst feeling I had ever felt before. I had to plan how I was going to get everything back to normal.
After a while, I thought my plan was genius and that I was ready to get all their things back, I could see the wonder in people's eyes. Rapidly, I took all their possessions so I had to get it back. Time went by and I was so close to get everything back to it's original place. I spoke to all the neighbours and they understood how it all happened, they all was on my side, we worked all together and we was ready to get everything back to normal.
Gravity by Ben
On an ordinary Tuesday, a man called Bob, was walking like normal to work but something was not right, objects starting to float up into the sky: buildings, fences and cars.Suddenly, the ordinary man flew in sky as well. Rushing Bob runned ( as fast as a lion chasing their prey ) straight his house to check on his wife and kid but he could only go so far by flying. The man was thinking is this real? Is this in my head? If this is real how is it happing? The cars went into space and landed on the moon. Then the houses went into space and stayed there.
All of a sudden the sky turned grey and thunder bolts made a giant bang! After the bang everything was white and I found I was in my bed and it was all a horrible nightmare
Kacper`s story
One ordinary day there was a man that's life changed in a space of a few minutes , as he was walking through the streets , objects started to lose gravity . The man did not notice anything until he stopped , he turned around and saw all the floating objects , he didn't know what to do but as he closed his eyes he got lifted up . The man thought he will die because he couldn't breath but in amazement he could .is this a dream ? he thought . So he had to think of a plan to get back to planet earth . It was a hard time thinking but he thought of one . His plan was to find a space village as he thought they existed .After a few hours of looking he actually found one but it didn't look like one it was really hidden it was inside a circular rock that was really big , he entered it and inside he found a large amount of people or some aliens . Although they looked suspicious he talked to them .
Surprisingly they understood him and talked back . Their language was not so good but it was ok . He explained that he needed some parts to build a ship to lift off back to earth . They actually agreed , but on one condition , he has to get them a special shining rock from a cave . The man had only one choice , to accept it . It was only because he needed to get back to earth . So they explained where the cave was , and gave him a pickaxe . In a blink of an eye he was gone . so he found that special rock , so he collected it and returned all happy and excited . As the alien people promised , they gave him all the parts he needed for the rocket.
So he started building , it took longer then the expected but he finished .Statistically he should make it . He quickly sprinted to the people and said thank you to them . He rushed back to the rocket and prepared himself to lift-off . He had all he needed fuel , a suit and more . He knew he was prepared the rocket was ready . So this was the time , before he went in he said a last goodbye . The countdown began 3! 2! 1! LIFTOFF . It was along journey back but he made it and because of floating he landed safely . Now he knew that he's special , with a power of losing gravity . But now he knew how to control it , he needed to use his mind . If he thought of something positive gravity was normal and if he thought of something negative everything around him loses gravity . Now he lives happily with his family . And he will forever [At least he thinks he will]
Surprisingly they understood him and talked back . Their language was not so good but it was ok . He explained that he needed some parts to build a ship to lift off back to earth . They actually agreed , but on one condition , he has to get them a special shining rock from a cave . The man had only one choice , to accept it . It was only because he needed to get back to earth . So they explained where the cave was , and gave him a pickaxe . In a blink of an eye he was gone . so he found that special rock , so he collected it and returned all happy and excited . As the alien people promised , they gave him all the parts he needed for the rocket.
So he started building , it took longer then the expected but he finished .Statistically he should make it . He quickly sprinted to the people and said thank you to them . He rushed back to the rocket and prepared himself to lift-off . He had all he needed fuel , a suit and more . He knew he was prepared the rocket was ready . So this was the time , before he went in he said a last goodbye . The countdown began 3! 2! 1! LIFTOFF . It was along journey back but he made it and because of floating he landed safely . Now he knew that he's special , with a power of losing gravity . But now he knew how to control it , he needed to use his mind . If he thought of something positive gravity was normal and if he thought of something negative everything around him loses gravity . Now he lives happily with his family . And he will forever [At least he thinks he will]
Floating Objects!!!
Floating Objects
One fascinating day, a tall man was walking along a path, when everything started to move as if it was magic. The man`s name was Thomas. At the minute, he was 28 years old, next week, it was going to be his birthday. He was very excited when his mum got birthday things out of the loft. The very next day, things were starting to get odd! Some of the houses were floating up into the sky.
It turns out that everything started to rise up out of earth. Thomas climbed up into a rocket{ The Ultimate 3000. } " What is happening ? asked Thomas through the window, an old lady squeaked, " The earth is losing gravity!" . He saw more things starting to rising.
SILENT STREET by Kelsie Travers
silent street
One day a girl called Jade was walking along the path, when suddenly, everything went silent - you could even hear a pin drop! There were no dogs barking like they usually did. No noises from cars or birds singing in the trees. No sounds whatsoever. Suddenly, there was a loud bang and then Jade noticed that all the cars on the road were quickly rising into the air!!
As soon as she turned around Jade screamed and turned around to see that the houses were also rising and the shops were to.so jade went back to her house to have a nap for 10 minutes when she wake up every thing was in the air still why is every thing in the air for is there a earthquake. jade went back outside every thing is blue .
jade wonted to change this and put every thing back to gever so I think you have to say a magic password but what is it I got it black magic .
Strange Activity
Today was a very strange day. As I was walking along the long, tree-lined road where I live, I sensed something was very wrong...
Everything was floating in the sky, I was confused I didn't know what to do so I just kept on walking. Then I said to myself " is this a dream or my imagination? " Sadly, it wasn't a dream...it was really happening. Had the earth's gravity disappeared? Was something magnetic pulling us upwards?
Later that day, I wondered who could solve this mystery? I should save my world , I can do it and solve this mystery for my world. I am thinking about should I do it or not but if I did it all the world will thank me really kindly . I am ready to do this and I can do it, so I went and prepared my self to go. As I went to the moon saw everything in the world was there and floating up in the moon. I was right the earth's gravity was disappeared, something was pulling us upwards.
I had a brilliant plan how to now save the earth.
Today was a very strange day. As I was walking along the long, tree-lined road where I live, I sensed something was very wrong...
Everything was floating in the sky, I was confused I didn't know what to do so I just kept on walking. Then I said to myself " is this a dream or my imagination? " Sadly, it wasn't a dream...it was really happening. Had the earth's gravity disappeared? Was something magnetic pulling us upwards?
Later that day, I wondered who could solve this mystery? I should save my world , I can do it and solve this mystery for my world. I am thinking about should I do it or not but if I did it all the world will thank me really kindly . I am ready to do this and I can do it, so I went and prepared my self to go. As I went to the moon saw everything in the world was there and floating up in the moon. I was right the earth's gravity was disappeared, something was pulling us upwards.
I had a brilliant plan how to now save the earth.
Talexia's story.
Alberts amazing rescue
One day there lived a man who didn't know what he was capable of, this man was called Albert. Albert had the possibility to make things float and loose gravity. After weeks of looking for a job Albert finally had a interview this person interviewing Albert this person also had magical ability's too but he knew it but couldn't control it. At the interview he thought he was getting interviewed to be working at a shop but it turns out he was getting interviewed to be selling balloons.
A week later Albert started to notice his powers and so did his boss he got fired for making a child float then popping her balloon. Although he did get his pay.
On Monday 4th June Albert passed a middle school he looked at it suddenly somehow when Albert tilted his head the building tilted Albert got creative and started to do yoga apparently Albert got suspicious curious and nosy. In a blink of an eye he was there he noticed there was a scientist and he knew his plan was to steal parts of mars to make mars bars but never knew mars isn't in a mars bar. It the crazy person was right behind him eating a mars bar and when he saw him reading
Wiktoria's Story
On the first day of Summer, a powerful man was walking down a strange street. When he stepped on the objects on the road, they lost their gravity and started to float. First, a car lost its gravity when the man was near it, then a gate lost its gravity as well.
When he turned around he saw everything floating. Suddenly, he was going higher and higher then he looked down and he saw his feet not on the ground! He closed his eyes .... When he opened his eyes, he was in space.
After noticing he floating, the shocked man realised that he have a helmet or special clothing to keep him safe. But, he was ok . He wanted to get back but he couldn't get back because he didn't have a rocket. What was he going to do? He wanted to make sure that he could see his family again.. He thought that he could land on a planet until someone could rescue him in the rocket. A few months passed, and no one came to the moon and rescued him. But, suddenly he saw something strange going towards him. He wanted to hide but their only were small rocks . Then he jumped to the other part to the strange thing not hurt him . But the strange thing was turning towards different planet.
Then, he realised that it was a rocket going to the moon and he thought maybe he will go back to the earth with them.. But , he realised something was going wrong .. the planet the rocket was going from it wasn't earth .. Is it a person that was on a different planet? Maybe it is an alien . Like then he wanted to hide but he couldn't. 'I need help!' he shouted .. and then the rocket turned towards him again and landed on the moon.
Before he was rescued , he woke up at his house and it was just a crazy dream. Was it just a dream? Is it just imagination? Maybe , that day will happen in real life .. Or maybe he was asleep when he was going back to earth , the people who helped him flew to his house and lay him in his bedroom and then he woke up. His parents were worried so it wasn't a dream.. He didn't want to go back to the street again.
Pat the moon man
Long ago, on a street of peace, there were troubles and the peace began to fade , Suddenly, the houses, the post, everything was floating! What was happening to the world? what was going on?! The man knew he was the one to stop all of this commotion, so he did.
When it was dark, after sun down, the man, who's name was Pat, was working on a rocket into space! And he also had to make an astronaut costume, so he could use it for the safety. But luckily he wouldn't be breaking his heart, he had already had a real astronaut costume, from a friend last term, of course he couldn't keep it locked up in hes home like that! But!! Hes house was up in space, so poor Pat had to make an astronaut costume his self, poor Pat, but anyway he enjoyed making things so he had in done in about 30 minutes! When it was finished he had to test it so he went up into space in hes space ship, and it worked!
But suddenly! As he flew around to mars for some chocolate, a big gigantic MOON PIG was there! Nibbling at the mars moon like never before! The creature tried to attack him! What could he do! It was hopeless! except for a piece of hard mars chocolate floated into his hand, so he had managed to defeat it, and it was dead.
Suddenly, the floating objects fell down out of space and down to earth! So, what could he do he wasn't strong enough to pick all of the objects! Especialy a house he wasn't the strongest ever man,but luckily, with all of hes hope, a giant magnet made out of wood bricks metal... And so he picked it up, (weardly the magnet was very light) and flew down to earth leaving his rocket... Sadly, but hes never going up to space again so it didn't matter. The magnet pulled everything up so they didn't smash and break, and placed them back. Pat had never known there would be so many adventures up in space, he would miss hes journey, and maybe one day he "would" go to space to get his space ship, so now, everything was back to normal, as Pat went back up to space to find more adventures, he became an adventurer and explored the world, and everyone well known him as "Pat the space man" they all respected him, because he had saved the whole world, he never stopped exploring, he enjoyed it very much, living wild and free, he then changed hes name to "wild pat" although he still enjoyed the name, "Pat the space man" he enjoyed that name very much.
When it was dark, after sun down, the man, who's name was Pat, was working on a rocket into space! And he also had to make an astronaut costume, so he could use it for the safety. But luckily he wouldn't be breaking his heart, he had already had a real astronaut costume, from a friend last term, of course he couldn't keep it locked up in hes home like that! But!! Hes house was up in space, so poor Pat had to make an astronaut costume his self, poor Pat, but anyway he enjoyed making things so he had in done in about 30 minutes! When it was finished he had to test it so he went up into space in hes space ship, and it worked!
But suddenly! As he flew around to mars for some chocolate, a big gigantic MOON PIG was there! Nibbling at the mars moon like never before! The creature tried to attack him! What could he do! It was hopeless! except for a piece of hard mars chocolate floated into his hand, so he had managed to defeat it, and it was dead.
Suddenly, the floating objects fell down out of space and down to earth! So, what could he do he wasn't strong enough to pick all of the objects! Especialy a house he wasn't the strongest ever man,but luckily, with all of hes hope, a giant magnet made out of wood bricks metal... And so he picked it up, (weardly the magnet was very light) and flew down to earth leaving his rocket... Sadly, but hes never going up to space again so it didn't matter. The magnet pulled everything up so they didn't smash and break, and placed them back. Pat had never known there would be so many adventures up in space, he would miss hes journey, and maybe one day he "would" go to space to get his space ship, so now, everything was back to normal, as Pat went back up to space to find more adventures, he became an adventurer and explored the world, and everyone well known him as "Pat the space man" they all respected him, because he had saved the whole world, he never stopped exploring, he enjoyed it very much, living wild and free, he then changed hes name to "wild pat" although he still enjoyed the name, "Pat the space man" he enjoyed that name very much.
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
The way to success
TK world revision guide
For success
Are names, place or a things
nouns are separated in to separate
like pronouns, proper nouns and also normal
like these nouns:
SATS Grammar Revision
VERBS: Verbs are doing words or being words. Eg:
John kicked the ball. (Kicked is the verb)
John is happy. (Is, is the verb)
John had a good time. (Had is the verb)
Adverbs describes a verb and it normally ends in ly Eg: I ran slowly. (slowly is the adverb)
Adverbs describes a verb and it normally ends in ly Eg: I ran slowly. (slowly is the adverb)
Grammar Revision!
Grammar Revision for S.A.T.'s
Nouns are objects, places and names of people. Their is also different types of nouns. e.g. Pro-nouns and proper nouns. Proper nouns are names of people and places. Pro-nouns replace proper nouns like: it, his, her and they.
Verbs are doing or being words like: running, skipping, swimming, playing, hating and loving. If a verb is not in a sentence it is a phrase .
Adverbs describe verbs! They normally end in L Y. You can start sentences with adverbs.
Adjectives describe nouns. They make sentences sound and seem much more interesting.
Their are three main articles: an, a and the. Articles are also called Determiners.
by Adrian and Anton
grammar revision for year six
Grammar revision for S.A.T.'s
Verbs are doing word or being words for an example, running, skipping, swimming and kicking. Also was and is is one.
Nouns are objects, places and names of people. There's also different types of nouns. e.g. pronouns and proper nouns. Proper nouns are names of people and places. Pro-nouns replace proper nouns like: him, his, her and they(but they are much more).
Adverbs are words that describe verbs. They normally end in a L.Y. For an example; quickly, silently, calmly, swiftly and slowly.
Articles are a, an and the.
A noun is a place , object or a name
You can get pronouns which replaces a nouns like we ,she and he
Proper noun is a name of a place or person E G Ben ,Kaitlyn ,London
Adjectives describes a noun E G beautiful, dangerous, kind, big or small
Verbs are doing and being words E G running, is, are, had.
Adverbs describes a verb E G quickly, slowly, happily, loudly, quietly.
Connectives join tow sentences together
Articles E G a, an, the
grammar revison
level 5 punctuation : ():;-,/.!?
Articles:a, an, the
a prep0rstion is a word that tells you where or when something is, for example: across, on, near, into
Adverbs: an adverbs describes a verb for example: slowly, simply, quickly, adorably, smoothly
a verb is a doing or being word for example: running, skipping, dancing, singing, rocking and listening
Articles:a, an, the
a prep0rstion is a word that tells you where or when something is, for example: across, on, near, into
Adverbs: an adverbs describes a verb for example: slowly, simply, quickly, adorably, smoothly
a verb is a doing or being word for example: running, skipping, dancing, singing, rocking and listening
world revision for... Grammar
World revision for...
Nouns Adjectives
Car Smooth
Leicester Cute
Janice Hard
Cake Fluffy
Spain Amazing
A noun is a name A adjective
of a person, a place or is describing
object/thing! a noun.!
world revision guide for...
Nouns... Adverbs...
car quickly
Leicester smooth slowly,
Olivia fluffy closely,
cake surely,
Turkey amazingly,
A noun is either a An adverb
name of a person, describes
a name of a place a verb!
or a object/thing!
Kaitlyn`s grammar revision
Noun: a noun is a place, an object or a name E.G. Kaitlyn, Wiktoria.
Verb: a verb is a doing word or a being word E.G. Running, Jumping.
Articles: the three articles are: the, an and a.
Pronoun: a pronoun replaces a noun E.G. He, She.
Proper noun: a proper noun is a name that begins with a capital letter E.G. Kaitlyn, Wiktoria.
Adverb: an adverb describes a verb E.G. Gently, swiftly.
Connective: a connective joins two sentences together E.G. Because, And
VERBS: These are action words. they are also being words.
NOUNS; A noun is a naming word. common noun e g cat, dog and hose.
PROPER NOUN;A persons name. also a name of a place.
ADVERB;A adverb describes the verb e g the boy ran quickly.
ADJECTIVES;A adjective joins two small sentence together.

grammar world
Grammar Revision
VERBS: A verb is a 'doing' or a 'being' word eg.
John ran for the bus. Ran is the verb.
Sarah is happy.
NOUN: a place, a name
ADVERBS: The cheater ran quickly
Welcome to our book we will be telling you about Grammar words such as :
PRONOUN: is a word that are used in a sentence to replace a name eg: he, she it.
NOUN: is a word that is used fore names of people.
VERB: is a doing or being word eg walking ,jumping, skipping.
ADJECTIV: is a describing word eg the blue ball
ADVERB: it describes a verb
ARITCAL: is the , a , an
PRONOUN: is a word that are used in a sentence to replace a name eg: he, she it.
NOUN: is a word that is used fore names of people.
VERB: is a doing or being word eg walking ,jumping, skipping.
ADJECTIV: is a describing word eg the blue ball
ADVERB: it describes a verb
ARITCAL: is the , a , an
SATs revision
A noun is a name, place of thing, so it needs a capital letter. But don't forget a month and day need a capital letter too!
A verb is a doing or being word for example running,jummping, splashing.
An article is used to show say a specific thing like the box, which is talking about a specific thing not a box which is any kind of box. e.g., A ,an and the
A adjective is describes a noun for example the bright light, the wet water, green grass. ( which you can see on the first line)
A adverb describes a verb (which you can see on the second line) e.g.. slowly, swiftly, quietly.
A proper noun, which is a different way to use a noun e.g. , Emily , Amanda ,Thalia
A pronoun is a different way to use a proper noun, e.g., he she they you me him her ; and most importantly it most people forget it so MAKE SURE YOU REMEMBER!
Joanna's & Ashanti's Grammar Revision Guide..
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Joanna's & Ashanti's Grammar Revision Guide..
Noun: A noun is a name, place and thing like: Joanna, Ashanti, Leicester, London, Italy, Ruler, Cat etc.
Verb: A verb is a doing word or a being word like: Dancing, Running, Skipping, Singing, Was, Is etc.
Adverb: A adverb describes a verb like: Cautiously, Quickly, Slowly etc.
Adjectives: A adjective describes a noun like: Sunny, Fluffy, Bright, Colourful etc.
Article: A article/determiner normally is: A, An and The.
Preposition: A preposition shows relation and positions of where something is or when like: Under, On, Near, Over, Yesterday, Today, Earlier On etc.
Pro- Noun: A pro-noun is instead of using a noun you use pro-nouns like: he, she, they and her.
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